3 Early Signs of Metabolic Damage You Can Fix Now

Jan 31, 2023

Hello ladies, I’m Hannah Freese, a Registered Dietitian, and Certified Specialist in Weight Management and I help women over 40 repair their damaged midlife metabolisms so that they can lose weight, achieve glowing health and never stress about their weight again.


Today I’m sharing Three Early Signs of Metabolic Damage You Can Fix Now.


If you are a woman over 40 and struggling to lose weight you are not alone.  


Your weight loss success is being blocked by something called metabolic damage. The collective effect of metabolic hormonal imbalances, low metabolic rates, and inflammation.


To burn excess body fat and keep yourself at a healthy weight for the rest of your life takes a happy and healthy metabolism.  


This means many of us will need to go through a period of metabolic repair in order to repair and reverse the metabolic damage we’ve accumulated over the years from excessive or harmful diets, hormonal changes, aging, genetics, and lifestyle habits.


Which is great news!  It’s great news that this metabolic damage can be fixed.


Early Sign of Metabolic Damage #1: Strong Sugar Cravings


Sugar cravings come from one place: your brain.


Your brain is receiving hormonal and chemical signals that are alerting the brain that there is not enough energy to go around.


So the brain drives you to eat more.


The problem is, there is plenty of energy. You just can’t get to it. It’s locked away because of your metabolic damage.


So, until you repair your metabolism to a place where it can release your stored body fat energy to burn, your brain and body will be in a false sense of starvation.


Early Sign of Metabolic Damage #2: Afternoon Power Down


The afternoon is winding down, your lunch has shot up your blood sugar and you’ve burned through that fast sugar in about 90 minutes.


What’s left is false starvation and lack of energy again.


If you feel the need to snack or get a pick-me-up with caffeine, especially to keep your brain going or to think straight, you have metabolic damage.


This is a huge sign of metabolic damage as you are unable to again, reach into your fat stores to provide your brain and body with sustainable, steady, long-lasting energy.  You need pops of food, sugar, or caffeine to prop it up.


Early Sign of Metabolic Damage #3: Low Blood Sugar Symptoms.


Symptoms we associate with low blood sugar like weakness, shakiness, headache, sweatiness, lack of focus, and lack of energy, are all big alarms that you are suffering from metabolic damage.


If you are a woman who feels the need to eat often because you get low blood sugar, the real issue is that you have metabolic damage that is not allowing your stored sugar or stored body fat to be released in a timely or efficient way for your body to use.  


You also experience symptoms of low blood sugar when in fact, your blood sugar is just fine clinically. But your metabolism is damaged and your body likes to “run hot” as we say, and even small dips make you feel terrible.


At its heart, metabolic damage blocks your body’s access to your stored body fat. It’s like you have all this beautiful, bountiful, sustainable energy just sitting there, but the door is locked!  It can’t get out. So you just keep bringing in more and more food to prop yourself up.


Over time, this causes weight gain that never goes away.


The only solution is to unlock the door.  Let the body fat flow out like it’s supposed to.  The more you have, the more you let it flow! The more you keep the door open!


This is done by controlling your metabolic hormones using food.


That’s right.


Metabolic Repair That You Can Do Now


In the Freese Method, I teach you what to eat, what not to eat, and when to eat so that you can open the door and leave it open for as long as you want.


It’s not a calorie issue. It’s a metabolic problem. A hormonal problem. One that can be fixed with regular food.


If you are ready to open your door and leave it wide open, it’s time to join the Freese Method and learn the secrets of your metabolism and how to deeply control your weight at the hormonal level.


Remember, you have what it takes to lose weight, achieve glowing health and never stress about your weight again, we just need to repair your metabolism with the Freese Method.