4 Crucial Things the Freese Method Does that Diets Don't Do

insulin metabolic repair metabolism Apr 06, 2022

Today we are talking about the four things the Freese Method does that diets don’t do.

Let’s jump in!

#1: The Freese Method detoxifies your mitochondria and prepares them to burn fat.

This is actually very amazing and super cool.

Let’s back up a bit. In your body, you have tiny little energy plants called mitochondria. Every calorie that was every burned, whether from fat or sugar was burned in your organelle mitochondria. You have about 100,000 trillion mitochondria in your body.

That’s nuts.

They are found in every cell in your body except for your red blood cells.

Each cell in your body needs energy. So each cell in your body has an energy plant. Your mitochondria are those energy plants.

Most of us have been inadvertently taught that our metabolisms are like a big wood burning stove in our trunks.

That could not be further from the truth. That is so inaccurate, it’s crazy.

Your metabolism is all the calories of energy your mitochondria burn so that you can breath, think, pump blood, digest food, move muscles, blink your eyes, and grow your hair.

These little engines are the key to our health and longevity. By keeping our mitochondria healthy, we are healthy.

But sometimes, after years of toxins like toxic oils, or chemicals, or things like trans-fats, our little tiny power plants can get damaged. The junk in the cell can build up and the mitochondria become less efficient.

Sometimes there can be something called oxidative damage to them as well.

Our mitochondria can burn sugar, fat, and energy units called ketones.

Your mitochondria love certain types of fuels over others. Some fuels burn cleaner and more efficiently than others.

This gets pretty complicated, but at the heart of the problem, is that there are foods and ingredients that are hard on our mitochondria to burn.

Some oils are so inefficient at burning, that we get less energy out of them than what we put in. And they leave gunk and trash as the byproduct.

If you are trying to burn fat, you have to burn it for energy in your mitochondria. If your mitochondria are damaged or gunned up, you will struggle to burn fat.

That is why in the Freese Method we actually clean out and protect the mitochondria first.

It sounds like sci-fi, but it’s not!

#2: The Freese Method corrects your basal metabolic rate.

Remember earlier how I told you your metabolism is made up of all your mitochondria burning calories for energy for basic life sustaining functions?

Well, the sum of all that basic living stuff is called your basal metabolic rate. How much energy your body will burn to keep you going.

Now, your body is super smart. The amount of calories it is willing to burn for basic life goes up and down with how many calories you give it.

This is fine in most circumstances.

But when you try to lose weight with conventional diets, what do you do?

You cut calories. 1400 & 1200 calories are the most common for weight loss. For instance, Noom is 1400 calories.

The theory is, you cut calories in, and then your body will burn up stored calories to make up the difference and then you lose weight.

But that is not always what happens. After about a month or two your body starts to lower that basal metabolic rate to match the lower intake of food.

So if you were eating 1800 calories a day and then drop to 1400, you may lose a little weight while your body starts to adjust its calorie burning.

Soon, your weight loss stops because your body is programmed to only burn what is coming in. Your calorie in and calorie out go up and down together.

Again, your calorie-in and calorie-out go up and down together. Just creating a calorie deficit is a losing game. You can’t just keep cutting calories.

By the time women come to me for full metabolic repair, they are usually at a BMR of 800-1200 calories.

In the Freese Method, we restore your BMR back up to 1600, 1800 calories per day without you gaining weight.

This is a downright miracle for women who are stuck in what pop nutrition calls “starvation mode.”

Regular diets do not restore your BMR, they only make it worse.

The Freese Method helps you get out of starvation mode and lose weight using a very strategic process that I walk you through.

#3: The Freese Method Restores your insulin balance.

Insulin is a hormone that is released into your bloodstream so that you can get energy from your food into your cells.

From there, your mitochondria in your cells burn the food for energy and you can breath and move your muscles. Remember this?

Back to insulin.

Insulin is the most powerful metabolic hormone you produce. It’s not bad. It’s good. You need insulin to survive.

However, most of us living in 2021 and having gone through the last 40 years of terrible dieting and eating advice have accidentally been over stimulating our insulin to be too high for too long.

Balanced insulin goes on and then off within 4 hours.

Imbalanced insulin that is too high for too long can be on for over 12 hours.

Why is this a problem?

Because when your insulin is on a couple very important things happen:
1. You can’t burn body fat.
2. You can only burn sugar.
3. You crave sugar.
4. Your appetite is out of control.
5. You have very low energy.

That’s not at all what any of us want.

We want to burn fat for lot’s of energy and have normal control over our appetites and cravings.

The Freese Method rebalances your insulin to turn on and off in a way that helps you burn fat for energy.

Diets do not balance your insulin at all. They may lower it for a hot second because you eat less, but then it will sling shot back up depending on what and when you eat.

Balancing your insulin allows your body to reach into your belly fat and transport that fat into your mitochondria to burn for energy.

Mitochondria that are healthy and ready to burn lot’s of fat. And they can burn lot’s of fat because you have a healthy high basal metabolic rate that wants to burn lot’s of calories from fat.

Do you see how this all comes together?

#4. The Freese Method breaks your addiction to carbohydrates.

This is big.

We do this in two ways.

First, when you are able to burn body fat for energy because you have a high BMR, with healthy mitochondria, and balanced insulin, your body isn’t freaking out all the time about getting sugar for energy.

When you don’t do the first three wee discussed you are stuck in sugar burning mode. Sugar doesn’t last long. 2 hours max. So after two hours, your body wants to pull from fat storage, but your metabolism is all messed up so it can’t.

So, what happens?

Your liver and brain sense the lack of sugar energy and scream for more sugar energy!

For chips, bread, sugared coffee, buns, fries, starches. It’s doesn’t have to be sweet, it has to be full of swift fast carbohydrates.

50% of your desire for carbs is driven by the energy crisis that is your broken metabolism. Fix your metabolism, we fix that carb drive.

The other 50% is from your addictive dopamine response you get form carbs.

In the Freese Method we spend about 4 weeks working on the difference between eating for nourishment and eating for self soothing.

Eating for dopamine is a dangerous game.

In the Freese Method we go deep into why we eat and how to get our dopamine from things other than damaging foods.

But you can’t do this work until you’ve repaired the energy crisis.

The Freese Method is a set of specific and therapeutic steps in a specific and therapeutic order.

When you do the right steps in the right order, everything falls easily into place and your body sighs a huge sigh of relief as you restore balance and stop starving it.

A damaged metabolism is the most stressful place for your body to be.

The Freese Method is different that other diets. There is no calorie counting, no food diaries, no portion control.

It’s a long term eating pattern that you continue long after the repair is done to help protect and defend your new healthier metabolism.

Another note about the Freese Method is that I never sell you any supplements, protein powders or prepackaged food.

It’s all real food.

It’s all a long term solution.

It’s all with health at the core.

It’s different. It’s better.


You absolutely have what it takes to lose weight and be healthy, you just need to repair your metabolism first.