How Do I REV UP My Metabolism After 40?

metabolism Jun 15, 2022

Today we’re answering the question, “How Do I Fix My Metabolism After 40?”

This is thee question right?  I get asked from women all the time, “How do I speed up my metabolism?”

“How can I jumpstart my metabolism?”

“How can I rev up my metabolism?”

“How can I revive my metabolism?

Who here thinks they have a slow metabolism, or a non-existent metabolism that needs to be jumpstarted back to life?

And my answer is, you have to fix it first.

You can’t rev up an engine if the pistons don’t move up and down like they’re supposed to.

You can’t speed up a car that can’t burn fuel correctly.

You can’t jumpstart a car that has a broken battery.

Please hear me on this.  You don’t have a slow metabolism.  You have a damaged metabolism.

You don’t have a non-existent metabolism, you have a damaged one.

The answer is not to speed up or make it fast.  

The answer is to fix it.

The results you think you’ll get with a fast, speedy and revved up metabolism are actually only results you can get with a fully repaired and functional metabolism.

When you say you want to rev up your metabolism, I get it, I know what you mean.  But I want you to know what you really want, what you really need to burn fat and have energy and be healthy is a repaired and healthy metabolism.  Not just a fast one.

So let’s get back to the main question, “How do I fix my metabolism?”

Great question.  Because as we answer this question, you’ll be able to see the legitimacy of the claim that you are in fact dealing with a real thing and that it can be fixed.

There are two very important pieces to your metabolism.

First you have your metabolic machinery.  Second you have your metabolic hormones.

Metabolic machinery.

And metabolic hormones.

Metabolic Machinery

Your metabolic machinery is the actual organelles, as we call them, think mini-organs, or the teeny tiny wee parts that make up the inner machinery of our cells.

The main metabolic machine, the thing that actually burns a calorie, or ATP, is called your mitochondria.  

Your metabolism is not a big wood burning stove in your trunk somewhere.  It’s millions of teeny tiny electrical power plants called mitochondria found in all cells in your body. 

In your heart cells, in your muscle cells, in your brain cells.

The mitochondria are the things that burn fat.  They burn sugar or fat.  They can burn protein that has been turned into sugar first.  They can also burn ketones.  No matter what the source of the calorie, be it carbohydrate, protein, or fat, it get’s burned in your mitochondria, your metabolic machinery.

So you can see how important these little babies are to you and your weight.  

If your metabolic machinery, your mitochondria, are damaged, you physically have trouble burning your stored body fat for fuel.

This is physical damage.  This is totally real. This is due to what you eat.  This is due to toxic foods and toxic eating habits.

This is due to something called oxidation.

You do not need to eat less and exercise more.  You do not need to take supplements.  You do not need to do a 30 day cleanse.  You do not need to go on a juice fast.

Metabolic Hormones

The second part of your metabolism is your metabolic hormones.  If the mitochondria are the power plants, the hormones are like the managers telling the power plants what to burn and when.  

Hormones are signals in your body to turn things on or off or to do something.

In the womb, if you are exposed to estrogen, you become a girl, the female switch is on.  If you are bathed in testosterone, you become a male.  Make switch on, female switch off.

Metabolic hormones are the same.  One hormone, insulin, turns on and says, “Store fat.  Burn sugar.  Don’t burn fat. Put that over there and store it for later.”

The other hormone glucagon, comes on when insulin is off and say, “Release the stored sugar, release the stored fat, burn the fat, go for it!”

But here’s the thing. If you have a damaged metabolism, you have insulin that turns on too much and stays on too long.  

Your metabolic hormones are telling your metabolic machinery to not burn fat, but sugar.

This in turn drives and incredible hunger for foods that are high in sugar.  Like bread, rice, pasta, chips, cupcakes, and brownies.

So your metabolic hormones and metabolic machinery work together.

So to fix your metabolism you have to fix the oxidation or damage to your mitochondria and you have to rebalance and calm down your metabolic hormones.

This is what we do in the Freese Method.

Here’s the secret.  To repair your metabolism, to do it successfully, you have to do certain things in a certain order.  

You have to do the right things in the right order.

I hear women say, I tried keto, it didn’t work, I tried intermittent fasting and I hated it, I do all the things you are saying in your videos and guide and nothing is working.

And while that doesn’t make sense to you, it makes perfect sense to me.  

You haven’t done the right things in the right order.  You may be doing some right things, but until you do it in the right order, the machinery can’t burn the fat that the hormones are sending it.

That’s the secret sauce of the Freese Method.  Because I understand very very deeply how your metabolism works and all the bits and pieces involved, I know the right steps in the right order.

This is the method.  The 5 steps of the Freese Method.

If you start with not snacking, that’s a good thing to do, but really, that’s part of step 3.  

If you trade out your low-fat and non-fat foods for real butter, that’s amazing, but it’s step 2.

To truly find lasting weight control, your metabolism has to function like it was made to before we messed it up with dieting, low-fat living, processed foods, supplements, cleanses, and protein powders.  

When you have happy healthy mitochondria, you have a happy, healthy waistline that can eat a brownie every once in a while without freaking out and putting on weight.

When you have balanced metabolic hormones you can have chips and salsa and a margarita every once in while with out waking up 4 lbs heavier.

Because that’s really what we want.  We want to rev up and have a speedy metabolism so that we can eat what we want without gaining weight.

We want to be healthy so our margin is bigger.  Our food flexibility is greater.  

You don’t go into the Freese Method to repair your metabolism so that you can never eat bread or sugar again…

The Freese Method walks you through, with me right beside you, the 5 Steps of metabolic repair that cleans out your metabolic machinery and restores balance to your metabolic hormones.

I show you what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat, why you eat and easiest way to keep it going for as long as you want a healthy metabolism.

If you’re ready to stop doing the cheap, quick fix diets that don’t actually fix anything and work and finally fix your weight problem once and for all. 


If you want to be able to move through the world without fighting with food and your body, the time is now.