How the Freese Method Helps You Lose Weight During the Holidays

holiday Jan 10, 2023

Timing is everything, right?

Unfortunately, this statement can be used for the timing of things both negative and positive.

Like when your full refrigerator goes out the day company is coming and COVID has disrupted the supply chain and you can’t find a replacement so you call in all your favors and use all your charm to get a floor model fridge that doesn’t even fit in your kitchen! Which, yes, totally happened to us. 

Bad timing.

Or if you were able to snag the special Masterclass exclusive sales price to join the Freese Method Program last month and save $300 and get more personal time with Hannah Freese RD than at any other time of the year.

Great timing!

I had a Metabolic Breakthrough call with a woman who was concerned about her timing with the Freese Method. 

“How does it work during the holidays? Am I just setting myself up for failure?” she asked me.

So let’s go through it!  I want to tell you exactly how it looks to join the Freese Method now, during the holiday months, and come out the other side of 2023.

The first thing that will happen is you will feel nervous but hopeful.  When you register after the Masterclass with the limited-time offer you will have butterflies in your stomach and probably a little apprehension.  This is normal.  

You just signed up to change.  To grow, or shrink, depending on how you think about it, and change is hard! And remember the motivational triad, we as humans want to seek out pleasure, avoid pain and use as little energy as possible doing both.  

Also, you have a little lie running around your head.  The lie that says that eating well to repair your metabolism and lose weight will be complicated, time-consuming, hard to do, restrictive, and oppressive.

Lies! All lies, my friend!

The program is a step-by-step protocol that teaches what to eat, what not to eat, when to eat, why we eat, and then how to maintain your healthy metabolism.

So, you have just walked into a fully supportive environment that will support you in what to eat over the holidays.  You have a meal plan that is absolutely delicious to follow on every day that is not a holiday meal so you don’t have to worry about gaining weight between holiday meals.

One, two, or three holiday meals do not cause the average 8-10 lb weight gain we typically see over the holidays.  It’s the smaller choices you make every day over the next three months that matter.

In the program, I am teaching you with your weekly videos on how to navigate those choices the best way you can.  I don’t teach or preach perfection. Ever.  I help you understand what your choices are, and what each choice will do to your body and then you make the choice for what is best for you. 

In the program, we learn that sometimes we have to make the best choice from two not-ideal options. That’s ok! That is how life is!  The choice between sweet potato casserole, mashed potatoes, or bread stuffing is sometimes all we have. But rarely.

In the program, we learn what foods and habits cause the most damage and what doesn’t really move the needle much.  The sugar in the cured bacon or chicken broth doesn’t matter. Drinking wine after 8 pm really matters. Don’t sweat the small stuff.  Focus on the big stuff.

In the program, we learn how to plan for the meal we want to have even if it means having mashed potatoes and pumpkin pie.  I’ll teach you how to prepare your body for the celebratory meal and how to mitigate the damage after the meal so you can get right back on track. I wouldn’t call them hacks, but I wouldn’t not call them hacks either!

In the program, we learn that it’s ok to hold your weight some weeks and focus on losing weight other weeks and that that is a choice that must be made ahead of time.  It’s easy to hold your weight when you are getting healthier.

In the program, I give you tons and tons or yummy recipes that are fun, filling, tasty and festive so that you can bring amazing fun food to gatherings and eat just as well if not better than anyone else around you.  Avoiding the crackers and cheese? No worries, we have a herbed bacon cream cheese ball for you to enjoy!  Eating well doesn’t have to be austere and I’ll prove it to you!

In the program, I coach you through your thoughts about throwing away food, how to handle urges and the feelings of deprivation that have held you back in the past from getting success.  We call these thought errors and you can shake off years of baggage and misery and completely reframe your relationship with food with help from the weekly coaching sessions.  And since I take fewer women, the group is smaller, and more intimate and you get more attention for your personal issues.

In the program, you have a group of women to support your decisions, get advice from, and ask questions about how they handle certain situations.  You will feel confident and not alone anymore in this journey.  The group helps normalize feelings and thoughts that made you feel like the only failure on the planet, but you are in fact, just human and perfectly perfect just as you are.

In the program, you break your dependence for self-soothing with food so if the holidays have you stress eating, now is the time to take control and retrain your brain.  

In the program, you start to understand and see that it is easy to do.  It’s just not that hard to eat well over the holidays or any other time.  Repairing your metabolism may sound fancy, but it’s very, very simple and clear to do. It doesn’t take heaps of willpower or mean you have to say no to everything.

And then, in January or February, when you scroll through social media and everyone is doing their detoxes and cleanses and joining gyms and starting Noom. You have no fear of missing out on the latest diet trend.  You do not have to subscribe to monthly shipments of supplements that you can’t tell are working or not.  You don’t have to join in the lose weight quick circus because you have the answers now.  You clarified and simplified what it looks like to eat healthy in the most sustainable way.  You don’t click on metabolic-boosting powders for your coffee. You don’t click on powered greens or 30-day challenges. Those days of frantic anxiety over losing weight are over. OVER!

You have lost weight, enjoyed everything you ate, understand how to keep it off forever, and feel confident in the sustainability of your eating pattern and relationship with food

You are above the fray now because you had great timing and joined the Freese Method in October, November, and December and you absolutely got your money's worth!

You get to walk out into 2023 completely transformed from an anxious eater always struggling to lose weight into a Woman Who Eats Well and loves how she looks and feels.

This is a great time to get personal coaching and help with some of the most stressful eating situations of the year.  You are not setting yourself up to fail. You are setting yourself up with support to absolutely knock it out of the park. It is not hard, it won’t be awful. It will be fun, delicious, and life-changing.

You absolutely have what it takes to lose weight, achieve glowing health and transform your relationship with food, we just need to repair your metabolism first.