How to Lose Weight Without Exercising Everyday

exercise metabolic repair weight loss Feb 23, 2022

Today we are talking about how to lose weight without having to exercise everyday.

Now, I firmly believe and have proven over and over that you do not need to exercise in order to repair your metabolism and lose weight.

Exercise is not a required part of metabolic repair. You can burn plenty of fat without exercising.

But most women will hear this and not really believe it.

Why? Because exercise had been shoved down our throats for decades.

Here’s the thing, if you lose weight by just cutting your calories like a typical diet would. You go from eating 1700 calories a day to eating 1400 calories a day. You need exercise to help burn more calories and to keep your metabolic rate high.

Exercise is the way we treat the complications of losing weight via low-calorie diets.

Exercise is how we treat the bad side effects of weight loss through cutting your food intake.

You can think of it like this. Let’s say we come up with a medicine that helps lower your cholesterol.

We say, “Debra, your cholesterol is higher than the normal range and we think that having higher than normal cholesterol might lead to you having a higher than normal risk of heart attack and stroke.”

And Debra is like, “Oh dear, yes, I’ll take the medicine to reduce my higher than normal risk.”

We are at this point just treating a number. There are no symptoms of high cholesterol. She isn’t suffering.

But anyway, Debra goes on the cholesterol medicine, but the medicine, like all medicines, has some side effects.

Her muscles are really achy. They twitch and ache all night long and she can’t sleep. She really tired all the time and she can’t tell if that’s just because she up all night with achy muscles or from something else. She kinda feels sick all the time and feels like she is either constipated or having diarrhea, but it’s always something with her tummy lately.

So she goes to her doctor and says, “I can’t sleep because of this new medicine!”

And the doctor says, “Oh well, let’s give you this sleeping pill to help with your sleep.”

So now Debra is on two medications.

The sleeping pill has it’s own side effects and now Debra has noticed her heart starts to race during the day and she gets nauseous and doesn’t have an appetite anymore.

So Debra goes back to her doctor and says, “My heart is racing and I’m nauseous all the time!”

And the doctor says, “Oh well, here is a heart rate medicine and an anti-nausea medication.”

Now Debra is not just on a medication to reduce her risk of her high cholesterol, she’s on several medications to deal with the side effects of her other medications.

We do this all the time without thinking about it.

Exercise is like the second medication that we have to take because the first medicine isn’t a good one and has side effects.

The first medicine is the prescription to eat less calories than your body needs.

The bad side effects of not eating enough calories throughout the day are: muscle wasting, lowering basal metabolic rate, increasing hunger and lowering satiety hormones.

It’s not good.

So, the establishment, instead of looking to see if maybe the prescription of so little calories or energy is the problem and not a good solution, decide that no, we are not touching that golden cow, we are going to make people exercise to help counteract the side effects of the first prescription.

Do you see the similarities here?

Should Debra have just inquired more about the cholesterol medicine?

Questions like, should I take this at all?

Is it worth the side effects?

Is there a different medication with less side effects?

Instead of just layering one problem onto the next with more meds?

Yes, she probably should have looked closer at the first prescription.

And that is what we need to do in terms of how we think and use exercise to lose weight.

Exercise is covering up the bad side effects of the bad diet advice.

Exercise is not bad. It’s have great benefits, especially for our cholesterol! Ha!

But, do we need the 300 minutes or more per week of moderately intense exercise that the US Dept. Of Health & Human Services prescribes to lose just 5% of our weight?

What if we looked at the first prescription?

What if we looked closer at the diet part?

What if we tried a different diet approach that didn’t need such crazy and oppressive exercise requirements?

What if the problem was really that lowering our calories was not the best way to burn fat in a long term, natural, and balanced way.

What if we took a better approach to eating?

What if we took a physiological approach and understood the bigger picture and stopped ignoring the hormonal response and control of our weight.

What if we ventured out to learn more instead of being so entrenched in our dogma of calories, that no matter what information or studies we do, that information is bad, since the original hypothesis was always bad?

What would it look like for you?

What if you stopped trying to layer all the hypothetical medications?

What if you stopped doing the root part wrong, the food part?

Would you get to stop doing all the other hypothetical medications too?

Like the over-exercising, the portion control, counting calories, running on full willpower, the anxiety over food, fighting your hunger and body all day long, and the actual medications like antacids and such?

Those things you do are not necessary if you start with better eating prescription.

I want you to show you that if you stop and look at the diet part first and change what you eat and when you eat, then all the other trauma related to dieting falls away.

You can do better than what you’ve been sold so far.

You can lose weight easily, eat good food, stop counting calories, and control your weight.

This starts with repairing your metabolism. Then protecting and defending your metabolism and then just letting it burn fat like it wants too!

It really wants too!

It doesn’t want the excess fat accumulation either.

We can clear ourselves of the excess fat naturally, but we have to start with the real problem: our diets, and not just pile on more band aids like exercise.

Remember you have what it takes to lose weight without more than 300 minutes of exercise per week and counting calories, you just need to fix your metabolism first.