Is the Freese Method Good for People With Type 2 Diabetes?

diabetes insulin resistance pre-diabetes type 2 diabetes Jul 06, 2022

Today we are talking about The Freese Method and Diabetes! Specifically type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes.

So if you have type 2 diabetes and are wondering if the Freese Method is going to work for you or if your spouse or any other person you may be taking care of has type 2 diabetes and you are wondering if they can eat the same thing as you while you are in the Freese Method program, this session is for you!

First, let’s talk a little bit about diabetes itself.

There are two main types, Type 1 and Type 2.

People with Type 1 diabetes do not produce their own insulin and need to inject themselves with insulin everyday and at every meal to make sure the energy from their food gets into their body cells. People with type 1 are usually diagnosed much younger and they have it at no fault of their own.

People with Type 2 diabetes have too much insulin in their blood and they are caught in a cycle of needing more and more insulin to get the energy out of the food and into their body cells. People with type 2 diabetes are usually diagnosed older, although the average age of diagnosis is decreasing from 52 to 46 years of age and it is usually due to life-style factors.

We are going to focus on Type 2 diabetes today and we’ll do a separate session for Type 1 diabetes, which I also treat in the Freese Method Program.

Type 2 diabetes is better described as a metabolic problem than a hormonal problem, because it all revolves around the ability to burn sugar or fat for energy, not about making too much insulin on accident.

Again, type 2 diabetes and it’s precursor pre-diabetes are two metabolic diseases of too much insulin due to lifestyle factors.

So, the good news is, both type 2 diabetes and pre-diabetes is fully reversible through lifestyle changes as well.

The type of diet that doctors or dietitians usually recommend for diabetes will not help you reverse your diabetes because the establishment- and don’t get me wrong, I was part of the problem and my husband is a physician- but the collective wisdom has been very unhelpful to the 1 out of 3 Americans with pre- diabetes and the 1 out of 10 Americans that have diabetes because the diets they prescribe never make anything better. They just progressively get worse.

They give you bad food advice and teach harmful eating habits like snacking before bed that drive up your insulin and keep it up all the time, which of course, only makes things so much worse over time!

Why? Because they still think it’s just a blood sugar problem that needs more insulin, when in fact, too much insulin is already the problem. So when we pump you full of more insulin, your diabetes gets worse over time and you gain a lot of weight.

Diabetes is fully treatable and the debate rages on on whether it’s curable or just in remission, but the point is, diabetes is too much insulin in your blood and you CAN change the way you eat to control that insulin down to a place where you have absolutely no signs or symptoms, diagnostic or otherwise that would imply that you have type 2 diabetes.

Diabetes is also not caused by being overweight. Both the accumulation of too much body fat, or overweight, start from the same place: metabolic damage, specifically: insulin resistance.

One more time, metabolic damage, specifically the damage of insulin resistance is what causes not only the weight gain and obesity that we struggle with, but also the diabetes.

The Freese Method systematically stops the damage to your metabolism, heals your metabolism, rebalances your metabolic hormones including all the excess insulin, resets your appetite control center so that you can burn fat for energy.

It reverse insulin resistance, the root problem of both weight gain, pre-diabetes, and type 2 diabetes.

The same metabolic repair process that heals your metabolism to burn fat so that you can lose weight will reverse your diabetes.

Healthy metabolisms burn body fat for energy and do not gain weight nor do they develop insulin that is too high and stays on too long.

And you will have the numbers to prove it!

When you get your labs drawn, your blood sugar will go from high to normal range.

Your hemoglobin A1c, which is just the average of your blood sugars from the last three months will go from high to low-normal.

Your triglycerides will go from normal high or high to normal.

Your HDL will go from low to normal or high, where we want it to protect our hearts.

So, if you no longer have the numbers to support the diagnosis, do you still have it?

If you are no longer on medications like metformin or Trulicity and your blood sugars are good, do you still have type 2 diabetes?

If you had high blood pressure, then reduced it with diet like we do in the Freese Method into normal range, they would not still say you have hypertension.

In the Freese Method, we focus on exactly the root cause of why the diabetes started in the first place and actually fix it.

We help you control not only your blood sugar, but your actual insulin.

You can prevent pre-diabetes the same way.

If you have higher blood sugars, say >100-125 mg/dL or 6.1-6.9 mmol/L in Canada that is pre-diabetes and you can stop that disease process right in it’s tracks!

You can start the Freese Method and never see your blood sugar go any higher. You can avoid any conversation with your health care provider about starting medications.

So if you have a family history, especially if your maternal side has a history of pre-diabetes, gestational diabetes or type 2 diabetes, you need to make some effort with your diet ASAP to prevent your genetic predisposition towards developing diabetes.

When your doctor says, “hey, your blood sugars are creeping up, you need to watch that and make healthy lifestyle choices” and you walk out of the office all confused about what you’re actually supposed to do, this is it. You should do this. This will treat your pre-diabetes and your type 2 diabetes.

The Freese Method 12-week online group coaching weight loss program is not just appropriate, but crucial to those of us trying to deal with our blood sugars or our loved one’s blood sugars.

It focuses on everything you need to know and understand about how to reverse the insulin resistance at the heart of the problem.

Alright everyone, I hope this was helpful to those of you struggling with not only your weight, but with your blood sugars and gives you a clear and precise path to fixing it!



Koopman, Richelle J et al. “Changes in age at diagnosis of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the United States, 1988 to 2000.” Annals of family medicine vol. 3,1 (2005): 60-3. doi:10.1370/afm.214. []