The Secret Weapon of Successful Women

coaching emotional eating weight loss Mar 30, 2022

Today, we are going to talk about the secret weapon of successful women.

Specifically, women who are successful at eating well to lose weight and keep the weight off for over 5 years.

The secret weapon is…. Drumroll please....


Specifically weight loss coaching. Or diet coaching. Or just coaching is fine too.

Whatever you want to call it, having a professional person in your life to guide you through the process of losing weight is like guaranteeing that you will be successful.


A Weight Loss Coach can help you in these five ways.

1. A coach keeps you motivated.

Your coach can encourage you to eat the right foods and do the right thing even when you don’t feel like it. And than can be a lot of the time.

If you start to get discouraged and want to quit, your coach can remind you of why you are doing this in the first place and remind you also of how far you have come!

It’s hard to stay self-motivated for more than 4 weeks. We’ve all felt this. Real change in our health takes more than four weeks. So having a coach in your corner for motivation is like an insurance policy for your journey.

2. Your coach can help you build your self-confidence and self-efficacy.

Sometimes we forget to stop and celebrate all the good things we are doing on a daily basis. The party you went too and didn’t have a cocktail and still had fun. The time you planned your food the night before and then stuck to it.

When we think back on our day, we tend to remember only the negative things. But your coach can help you remember and celebrate the positive things too.

This helps build up your confidence and even better your belief in yourself that you can eat well. This is called self-efficacy. The belief in your ability to get want you want.

Your coach can keep you out of the dangerous territory of perceived helplessness and negativity.

3. Your coach can help you solve problems.

We all have busy lives and making change to our lives is hard. No matter what your age or what your stage.

We will all come up against problems that make it feel like it’s too hard to eat well. Maybe your husband or kids aren’t as supportive as you’d like. Maybe you don’t like cooking. Maybe you spend a lot of time traveling.

Whatever your problem, it is personal to you and the solution to it should be personal and realistic for you to maintain long term.

A coach will understand your goals and your lifestyle and help you always find a way to eat well even though “fill in the blank.”

Your coach can also just help with great, easy suggestions that you may not have thought of.

4. Your coach can keep you accountable.

If you knew someone was going to ask you about your eating, would you be a little more conscientious about it?

Would you say no to foods that you knew where not going to get approval?

The feeling that someone else actually cares about what you are putting in your mouth and cares about your results as much as you do changes your behavior.

Knowing that you are accountable to someone helps you stay focused and make much decisions. Coaching helps you stay accountable and honest.

5. Coaching helps you fight the loneliness of weight loss.

When we try to lose weight on our own, we get terrible results.

We fumble around because we have no structure. We are lonely and have so many questions but no one to really ask.

Losing weight can feel so isolating. You feel like there is something wrong with you while everyone else is out in the world eating whatever they want and being happy and healthy all the time.

Coaching helps you see that you are not alone. Coaches help you feel seen, heard, and understood as you are.

Coaches can even build communities of women for long term success of the group because they understand that weight loss can be isolating and lonely.

But it doesn’t have to be.

In the Freese Method, I am your Coach.

I am a Registered Dietitian.

I am a board Certified Specialist in Obesity and Weight Management.

And I am your Coach.

Not a bot.

Not a trainee with a script.

But a real, personal, professional coach.

I help guide you through what you should and should be eating.

I guide you though when you should and should not be eating.

I guide you through how to change your mindset about food.

I guide you through skills to help you manage your emotional eating.

I welcome you into a community of kind, generous women that want to help and support you, just as you will be called to help support them.

When I decided to leave my in-person practice and go online, a major impetus was that I could coach you in such a deeper way than what I was able to do in clinic.

The eating part is the easy part. Losing the weight is the easy part.

Staying motivated, building confidence, solving personal problems, helping women stay accountable, and taking away the lonely isolation of weight loss is why I get out of bed every morning.

Why I continue to show up here every Tuesday, week after week.

It’s a coaching program. With real people who really care.

Alright, great job today everyone.

Remember, you absolutely have what it takes to eat well and lose weight. You just need to fix your metabolism first!