Why the Noom Weight Is Back and What To Do About It Now!

low-calorie diet metabolic damage noom weight watchers Feb 07, 2023

Today we’re talking about why you are regaining the weight that you lost on Noom or Weight Watchers and what you need to do differently going forward.


Common commercial weight loss programs such as Noom, Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig, and NutriSystem may seem like different diets that do unique things but they are actually all the same basic diet that do the same thing.  


So if you’ve tried Weight Watchers in the past and you saw a bit of success but the weight came back on so this time you thought you’d do Noom, you are essentially doing the very same diet and will likely have the same results.


Noom, Weight Watchers, and Jenny Craig are all low-fat low- calorie diets. They are based on the theory of calories in vs calories out.


A theory that we know does not work for women over 40.


The reason it doesn’t work for women over 40 is that women over 40 have more complicated metabolisms.  There is so much more to it than calories in vs calories out.


Women over 40 who struggle with stubborn weight have something called metabolic damage. That is why they can’t lose weight. They have metabolisms that are so damaged that they physiologically cannot burn excess body fat. 


Their body can’t do it.  Even if they only eat 1200 calories and walk 15,000 steps a day, it’s not going to happen.


Metabolic damage is a collection of three things: 

  1. Imbalanced hormones
  2. Low metabolic rates
  3. High inflammation


I believe, that 99% of women over 40 can’t lose weight because of metabolic damage.


When we do a 1400 calorie like Noom or Weight Watchers, we are not fixing the metabolic damage at the heart of the problem, so the weight will always come back on.


Healthy metabolisms can lose weight quickly and maintain healthy weights with ease. Healthy metabolisms can eat carbs and don’t need to hit macro goals on their smartphones.


The low-fat low-calorie diet does not produce a healthy metabolism.  It does not address or fix the hormonal imbalance it actually makes it worse.


It does not address the lower metabolic rate, it actually makes it worse.


It does not address the inflammation problem, it can actually make it worse.


So you may force and shock your body into losing a bit of weight, but the problem is still there, your metabolic damage is still there, still the problem and around 3 months after starting the low-fat low-calorie diet, your body will be like, “Um, this is not working for me, this is awful, I’m not going to let you do this anymore.” 


Yo-yo dieting is so, so, very hard on your metabolism. Especially your metabolic rate.  When you damage your metabolic rate, it is part art, part skill to repair it correctly.


But it can be done! We do it every day inside the Freese Method Metabolic Repair Program.


Let’s recap:

Noom, Weight Watchers, and most internet diets are the same. They are low-fat, low-calorie diets that are not appropriate for women over 40.


They do not fix the real problem that is causing our weight problems which is metabolic damage.  Our hormones, our metabolic rates, and our inflammation levels control your weight after 40, not calories.


When you do a low-fat, low-calorie diet you make this metabolic worse.


To prevent weight regain, you need to repair your metabolism to a place where it can physiologically maintain a healthy weight.


To fix your metabolism, you need the 5-Step protocol of the Freese Method.


The Freese Method fixes the hormone imbalance, brings up and corrects your metabolic rate, and lowers and controls your inflammation.


It’s the permanent solution to the over-40 weight problem.


You absolutely have what it takes to lose weight, achieve glowing health, and never stress about your weight again, we just need to fix your metabolism with the Freese Method to get you there!


See you next week!